Behind the Hoof Prints: Chloe Pierce


Kami Cloninger, Writer

Chloe Pierce, a junior in her second year of journalism and writer for Hoofprints, is very interested in multimedia journalism and photography, as well as yearbook design.  As a member of both the newspaper and yearbook staff, she frequently takes pictures, writes articles, and designs pages for the yearbook.


She has six siblings, three of which attend BIC currently.  Her mother graduated from BIC in 2004 and her grandmother was a Leachville Lion.  Nearly every member of her family either is or has been a Mustang at some point.


Chloe greatly enjoys journalism and the creativity it allows her to have.  Her favorite form of journalism is feature writing because it has a more free-flowing writing style.  Her most distinguished features were about Sonic the Hedgehog and The Butterfly House.


Her goals in life involve going to college for her bachelors degree in Wildlife Management and then working toward her doctorate degree in Marine Biology.  Having always enjoyed the ocean and the wildlife therein, she feels it would be her dream job.