On any given day, Bruiser’s Outfitters t-shirts can be seen on BIC students. Holly Dempsey wears one of the hot pink girls’ shirts.
MADISON FINCH – Hoof Prints Staff
Recently, Buffalo Island has welcomed a new business, Bruiser’s Outfitters. Bruiser’s Outfitters is making tracks through Northeast Arkansas and students at BIC are most definitely noticing.
Bruiser’s Outfitters is a hunting service that guides customers to the private areas, owned by the business, for duck hunting. Caleb Bruce, Ross Clark and Dalton Womack started B.O. in October. “It started as a joke, but now that people are wanting to go, we started taking it seriously,” said, founder, Caleb Bruce.
The current guides are also very excited about the new industry. “It’s been great to be able to take guys hunting and enjoy the pleasure of being able to hunt some of Arkansas’ beautiful wildlife,” said Womack.
The ground owned is currently being used by B.O. and guests. They own 120 acres of flooded rice fields at Light, Arkansas, and 75 acres of flooded timber on the St. Francis River. The first hunt was on opening day, Nov. 21. The group took Caleb Miller and Heath Hawkins as their first customers. Bruce was very proud of the first turn-out. The group killed 22 on the first day at Light. “It was a pleasure to go hunting with Bruiser’s Outfitters. I had a great time,” said Hawkins. Miller also approved of the services. “I’m honored to get to go hunting with Bruiser’s Outfitters.”
Bruisers Outfitter’s is promoting the business to the best of their ability. As well as selling t-shirts, they also have a Facebook page. The t-shirts come in a variety of sizes as well as two colors (green and pink). These sell for $10 and are still available.
Along with all this new excitement, B.O. is confronting sad news. Its original guide, Dalton Womack, is moving off to attend college at the end of the school year. Losing a guide is depressing, but this group isn’t letting this inconvenience stop them. Bruce was assured that there would be another guide next year to replace Womack. Logan Dewitt and Caleb Miller are currently competing against each other for this future job.
This has been a very exciting year for Bruiser’s Outfitters, and they look forward to many years of success in this business.