Maddigan Carroll
Junior Maddigan Carroll
October 16, 2015
“I can be easily influenced by people I trust, and I have faced many consequences from getting caught up in the wrong crowd. Any time I ever get caught up with the wrong crowd doing wrong things, I can call or text Avery to hang out with her, and when I do, I don’t feel like a complete failure anymore. Avery has been the best influence on me my entire life. She’s always been there for me. One time when I was caught up in the wrong crowd I called her to see if we could hang out. Later, when we did hang out we just ran around my house recording videos. Just meaningless, fun videos. Then later that night we sat down to do each other’s makeup and just ended up doodling glasses and stick figures on each other’s faces. I am so glad I have Avery because I have had someone leave because I was not the best person I could have been, but Avery is always there for me.”