BIC Students Branch Out During Quarantine


Gabby Green, Writer

After being held in our homes for five months, stuck by ourselves and with our family, the students of BIC have finally gotten to experience more things since in-person school ended last March. Several BIC students took advantage of their extended break to take up interesting hobbies, activities, and go on adventures.

Many students took up new jobs. Leah Navarro, 7, helped her father and sister remodel houses.


“I didn’t really do much, but I got paint all over me and that was fun,” Navarro said.

Leah also enjoyed doing new things she picked up over the summer, like showing goats and spending more time with her family.


“I really liked the new environment I was in,” she explained.


Some students picked up a job to fill their time. Freshman Max McCord  worked in a field with his father and brother, scouting cotton and earning money. He also spent some of his time off building on his basketball playing abilities.  “I dropped most of the things I did for basketball,” said McCord, who explained that spending time with his teammates again in basketball practice has been a pivotal experience for him.


Unlike Max, Junior Tyler Pitts took the chance during this break to turkey hunt, farm, and visit the lake. Pitts said, “Working is one of my hobbies, for sure. I mean, what else was I supposed to do?”


Pitts also went to Washington to turkey hunt with some of his fellow peers, saying that he enjoyed going out in the mornings and hearing the turkeys.


“It’s one of the best feelings in the world to be out there early and hearing the turkeys gobble,” Pitts says.


It seems like these students have had some exciting times in quarantine, and have done some amazing things throughout the extensive break. While COVID-19 has been a major disturbance to our day to day lives, the silver lining of this pandemic is that it has offered many people the opportunity to try things they have never previously had time for, and time is always a valuable thing.