Money keeps rolling in for Sanders

February 27, 2014
When counselor Doris Willyerd found out that Jacob Sanders had won the most prestigious A-State Scholar scholarship she began planning a way to get him to the school to receive it.
She informed a couple of staff members and Jacob’s parents about his winning. Their plan was to trick him into coming to the school for a yearbook picture. But everything almost went wrong when Jacob ran into the A-State faculty in the parking lot of the school. He did not know who they were, but he gave them directions on how to get into the building. Later he discovered who they were, and everybody was able to laugh about it.
“I was surprised to find out that they were from ASU because I was just giving them directions,” Jacob said.
The first scholarship that Jacob received was the A-State Scholar scholarship. A total of 50 students receive this scholarship each year. To qualify for the scholarship a student must have scored at least a 31 on the ACT and maintain a 3.5 gpa. This scholarship is also based on a student’s ability to lead others. Sanders was rewarded $56,000 to use at ASU over four years.
In addition to receiving the A-State Scholar scholarship, Sanders also received the NEA Tournament Scholarship. For this scholarship a boy and girl senior student from each school applies with information about their ACT, GPA, and sports activities. Then one student is chosen to be represented for the NEA Tournament. This scholarship grants $1,000 for one time.
These two scholarships are not all that Sanders is aiming for. Sanders intends to attend the Union Scholars Weekend. By going to this conference, a student qualifies for 12,000 per academic year to attend Union. Also over the weekend there are competitions held for half tuition, full tuition, and other money grants.