Island Inhabitants: Ambar Orozco

Leah Navarro, Writer

“I feel very honored to be the best first female president of FFA at BIC.  I have been in Agricultural classes  for four years now, along with being a part of the officer team for about three. My favorite FFA experiences have been the National Convention and ALC Camp. A challenge for me so far has been  leadership skills. I don’t see myself as much of a leader, but I am working on improving those skills. I am not very social, so  for being the president, it is kind of ironic. So I will be working towards improving that so that I can be the best that I can be. The most important part of the position, I’d say, is encouraging other students to be an officer member, encouraging them to get involved, and to just work hard overall. I would like to implement new activities and make sure that the students like them. Leaving a legacy for other females to be future presidents, knowing that it isn’t a common thing, is a goal that I have.”